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What is an OBM?

You may be asking yourself... what is is an OBM and what is the difference between an OBM and a VA?

Every business starts out on the hustle and grind to build and if all goes well the business owner may find themselves DOING IT ALL, but that only lasts so long before they tire out or stunt business growth.

An OBM is an Online Business Manager, sometimes referred to as a DBM, or Digital Business Manager, but don’t get confused by the "online" part this means "virtual" rather than just applicable to Online Businesses. OBMs serve with the ultimate goal of taking over the daily operations of a business to "free up" the business owner. The business owner can then put more focus into their zone of genius, the things only they can do, or the things they do best! They can step back into the visionary role.

OBMs make sure the right things get done at the right time by the right people in the right way. We are the business owner's right hand, business bestie, virtual BFF.

OBMs spend their time typically working in Operations Management, Project Management, Metrics Management, and Team Management.

No two days are the same for an OBM. We are constantly learning and adapting. We often work from home or anywhere in the world really! We set our own hours. We typically don't get paid by the hour.

Many of us gain our experience in the corporate world through various industries and roles.

If you align with the following you may be the next Baddie OBM:

  • When you hear a great idea, you naturally start thinking about the steps it will take to make it happen

  • Being plugged into the big picture of a business excites you

  • You love working with systems and procedures to get things done in the most efficient and consistent way

  • You’re great at jumping into the ‘online biz’ chaos and getting it sorted out

  • You know how to “manage” clients to keep them happy while sticking to your own boundaries

  • You’re capable of delegating, communicating with, and taking responsibility for a virtual team

  • Having a manager or entrepreneur mindset

  • You’re savvy with online software/platforms

So.... what's the difference between a Virtual Assistant, VA and a an OBM you ask???

Virtual Assistant

  • VAs are implementers. - Carry out tasks with detailed instructions.

  • VAs work on a task basis - Responsible for completing their work on time and to a professional standard, but they have a safety net of higher level guidance to catch them when they fall.

  • VAs are team members - Usually reporting to an OBM or business owner.

  • VAs get things done without having much control over workflow or priorities.

  • VAs usually work for an hourly fee and have multiple clients in order to fill their schedule and earn a good living.

Online Business Manager

  • OBMs are project managers. They come up with the strategy for how to get things done, and then parcel out tasks to their team.

  • OBMs are responsible for the daily operations of the whole business, or for the entirety of a project – which includes the work of other team members.

  • OBMs LEAD a team, often including VAs, web designers, writers and social media experts.

  • OBMs work with the biz owner to discuss strategy and priorities.

  • OBMs work more deeply with a few select clients and are compensated on a retainer or retainer+incentive basis.

I hope this helps you decide which type of support you need or if you are considering becoming a OBM or VA, I hope this points you in the right direction.

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